Why would you need HTTP Code Tool?
When testing APIs or web services, it is essential to verify that the expected HTTP status codes are returned for different scenarios. By utilizing the links provided on this page, you can easily simulate specific HTTP status codes and observe how your application responds to them.
For example, let's say you want to test how your application handles a "404 - Not Found" response. Simply click on the corresponding link ("/return-http-404-code"), and your application will receive a simulated "404" response from the server. This allows you to evaluate if your application gracefully handles such situations, displays appropriate error messages, or performs any necessary error handling logic.
Likewise, you can use other links to simulate various status codes such as "200 - OK," "500 - Internal Server Error," or even less common ones like "418 - I'm a teapot." This level of control enables you to thoroughly test your API or web service's behavior under different conditions, ensuring that it responds accurately and handles errors gracefully.
By leveraging the provided links to simulate different HTTP status codes, you can streamline your testing process, validate your application's response handling, and enhance the overall reliability and robustness of your API or web service.
100 - Continue
Server has received the initial part of the request and will continue to process it.
/return-http-100-code -
101 - Switching Protocols
Server is switching protocols in response to the client's request.
/return-http-101-code -
200 - OK
Request was successful, and the server has returned the requested data.
/return-http-200-code -
201 - Created
Request was successful, and a new resource was created as a result.
/return-http-201-code -
202 - Accepted
Request has been accepted for processing but has not yet been completed.
/return-http-202-code -
203 - Non-Authoritative Information
Server is returning a response that may be from a third party instead of the original server.
/return-http-203-code -
204 - No Content
Server has successfully processed the request but does not need to return any content.
/return-http-204-code -
205 - Reset Content
Server requires the client to reset the document view.
/return-http-205-code -
206 - Partial Content
Server is delivering only a part of the requested resource due to a range header specified by the client.
/return-http-206-code -
300 - Multiple Choices
Requested resource has multiple choices, each with different locations.
/return-http-300-code -
301 - Moved Permanently
Requested resource has been permanently moved to a new location.
/return-http-301-code -
302 - Found
Requested resource has been temporarily found at a different location.
/return-http-302-code -
303 - See Other
Response to the request can be found at a different URI.
/return-http-303-code -
304 - Not Modified
Resource has not been modified since the last request.
/return-http-304-code -
307 - Temporary Redirect
Requested resource is temporarily available at a different URI.
/return-http-307-code -
308 - Permanent Redirect
Requested resource has been permanently moved to a different URI.
/return-http-308-code -
400 - Bad Request
Server cannot understand the request due to malformed syntax or invalid request message.
/return-http-400-code -
401 - Unauthorized
Request requires user authentication.
/return-http-401-code -
402 - Payment Required
Reserved for future use.
/return-http-402-code -
403 - Forbidden
Server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
/return-http-403-code -
404 - Not Found
Server cannot find the requested resource.
/return-http-404-code -
405 - Method Not Allowed
Request method is not supported for the requested resource.
/return-http-405-code -
406 - Not Acceptable
Server can only generate a response that is not accepted by the client.
/return-http-406-code -
407 - Proxy Authentication Required
Request requires proxy authentication.
/return-http-407-code -
408 - Request Timeout
Server timed out waiting for the request.
/return-http-408-code -
409 - Conflict
Request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
/return-http-409-code -
410 - Gone
Requested resource is no longer available and will not be available again.
/return-http-410-code -
411 - Length Required
Server requires the request to be valid and have a specified Content-Length.
/return-http-411-code -
412 - Precondition Failed
One or more conditions in the request header fields evaluated to false when tested on the server.
/return-http-412-code -
413 - Payload Too Large
Request is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
/return-http-413-code -
414 - URI Too Long
URI provided in the request is longer than the server can interpret.
/return-http-414-code -
415 - Unsupported Media Type
Server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource.
/return-http-415-code -
416 - Range Not Satisfiable
Server cannot fulfill the request range.
/return-http-416-code -
417 - Expectation Failed
Server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
/return-http-417-code -
418 - I'm a teapot
Server refuses the attempt to brew coffee with a teapot.
/return-http-418-code -
421 - Misdirected Request
Request was directed at a server that is not able to produce a response.
/return-http-421-code -
422 - Unprocessable Entity
Request was well-formed but unable to be followed due to semantic errors.
/return-http-422-code -
423 - Locked
Resource that is being accessed is locked.
/return-http-423-code -
424 - Failed Dependency
Request failed due to failure of a previous request.
/return-http-424-code -
426 - Upgrade Required
Server refuses to perform the request using the current protocol but might be willing to do so after the client upgrades to a different protocol.
/return-http-426-code -
428 - Precondition Required
Server requires the request to be conditional.
/return-http-428-code -
429 - Too Many Requests
Client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time.
/return-http-429-code -
431 - Request Header Fields Too Large
Server is unwilling to process the request because its header fields are too large.
/return-http-431-code -
451 - Unavailable For Legal Reasons
Server is denying access to the resource as a consequence of a legal demand.
/return-http-451-code -
500 - Internal Server Error
Server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
/return-http-500-code -
501 - Not Implemented
Server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
/return-http-501-code -
502 - Bad Gateway
Server received an invalid response from an upstream server while acting as a gateway or proxy.
/return-http-502-code -
503 - Service Unavailable
Server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or maintenance of the server.
/return-http-503-code -
504 - Gateway Timeout
Server did not receive a timely response from an upstream server while acting as a gateway or proxy.
/return-http-504-code -
505 - HTTP Version Not Supported
Server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.
/return-http-505-code -
506 - Variant Also Negotiates
Transparent content negotiation for the request results in a circular reference.
/return-http-506-code -
507 - Insufficient Storage
Server is unable to store the representation needed to complete the request.
/return-http-507-code -
508 - Loop Detected
Server detected an infinite loop while processing the request.
/return-http-508-code -
510 - Not Extended
Server requires further extensions to fulfill the request.
/return-http-510-code -
511 - Network Authentication Required
Client needs to authenticate to gain network access.
HTTP Status Codes Explained
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) status codes are standard response codes that indicate the status of a request made by a client to a server. These status codes are a crucial part of the communication between web browsers, servers, and other web applications. Understanding HTTP status codes is essential for web developers, system administrators, and anyone working with web technologies.
What is an HTTP Status Code?
HTTP status codes are three-digit numbers that categorize and provide information about the response from the server. They are grouped into five classes, each representing a different category of status codes. The status codes provide valuable insights into the success or failure of a request and assist in troubleshooting and debugging web applications.
The Five Classes of HTTP Status Codes
- Informational (1xx): These status codes indicate that the server has received the request and is processing it.
- Successful (2xx): These status codes indicate that the request was successful and the server has fulfilled it.
- Redirection (3xx): These status codes inform the client that further action is required to complete the request. The client is typically redirected to a different resource or URL.
- Client Errors (4xx): These status codes indicate that there was an error on the client's side, such as an invalid request or unauthorized access.
- Server Errors (5xx): These status codes indicate that there was an error on the server's side while processing the request.